A Quick Look at Tankless Water Heaters

Wouldn't it be nice if you could learn about plumbing issues directly from the plumbers? These days, there are a lot of ways to learn about plumbing. One trend that continues to rock the plumbing world is that of consumers toward tankless water heaters. An industry analysis shows that sales have been trending up since 2015 and the market size is expected to continue to swell in the coming years.

What Are Tankless Water Heaters?

This kind of heater is a streamlined version of the original, with both types heating the water that you use for your everyday life. It is different from a traditional storage-tank water heater in that it isn't attached to a tank. Rather, the water simply flows through the device, which heats it instantaneously before sending it to the sink, showerhead or washing machine.

There are many benefits to this system. They are energy efficient and produce lower utility bills. They provide endless hot water and have a lifespan of about 20 years, with minimal maintenance required. They also save space, as the units are much smaller without the bulky tank attached.

Tankless Water Heaters for the Win

Tankless water heaters are good for the environment and good for your bottom line. They are the sleek next step beyond storage tank water heaters. Contact us at Edwards Plumbing today to learn more about how pros and cons of installing this kind of system in your home.


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